CCBC-Net Archives

Re: Talking Books: Book Discussion Groups with Kids and Teens

From: Maia Cheli-Colando <>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 17:45:35 -0700

Karen, KT & Elizabeth --

Funny you three mention that about homeschoolers' participation. It's also what, I think, drives some extracurricular teachers nuts when they have to interact with homeschoolers - that the HS kids think they are an important and relevant part of what is happening, and not just there to be taught upon.

Some folks seem to love the "peopleness" of many homeschoolers, while others appear to truly resent it.

Cheers, Maia

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Karen MacPherson wrote:

KT -- I totally agree about homeschoolers. Both of our library's book discussion groups for kids, our Banned Books Club and our Comix Jam, include a large proportion of homeschoolers. And you're right, they jump right into the discussion and don't feel shy about it, which is wonderful.
Received on Mon 19 Oct 2009 05:45:35 PM CDT