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book discussion groups

From: Mills, Robin <>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 13:17:17 -0500

 A few years ago I ran a book discussion group after school. There were abo ut ten students in grades 7-9 who attended. We took turns selecting what t o read next. One month the task was to find the oldest fiction books in th e collection, read them, share, and decide if the library should keep that book in the collection. We also read Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers. Several of my students were Hmong so we were able to discuss both sides of the story. I had a Vietnam veteran come in to speak about the beauty of th e country and its people. We looked at maps to see where he was stationed and where our students came from. We also looked at a story cloth and read that story too. It was an eye opening experience for all of us. From the moment you take that first selfless step to help another person yo u set off a chain reaction that days, months and years later continues to i mpact lives. --Karen Schaler Robin K. Mills - Library Media Specialist Washington Jr. High School 2101 Division Street Manitowoc, WI 5 4220 Phone: (920) 683-4857 x5768
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Received on Mon 19 Oct 2009 01:17:17 PM CDT