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FW: [child_lit] Picture book folktales about clever people?

From: Arnold Adoff <>
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 12:10:13 -0400

please allow me to point out the superb and unique two volume "selected lis tings by and about people of color" from the ccbc:

"muticultural literature for children and young adults...".

(and i always feel obligated...these many add my own "definition " of "multicultural" so simply: for us a l l...all the cultures which mak e up this incclusive "parallel culture country...." "w/p/a...." white people also..........


t h e s t r u g g l e c o n t i n u e s

From: To:; Subject: RE:
 Picture book folktales about clever people? Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 11:56:13 -0400 CC:

a ring of tricksters: virginia hamilton/ills: barry moser the girl who spun gold: virginia hamilton/illus: leo and diane dillon bruh rabbit and the tar baby girl: virginia hamilton/illus: james ransome

t h e s t r u g g l e c o n t i n u e s

Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 09:20:59 -0500 Subject: Re:
 Picture book folktales about clever people? From: To: CC:

The Fortune-Tellers by Lloyd Alexander is one of my favorites!

On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 7:10 PM, DAJ wrote:

I'm trying to compile lists of picture books to fit different categor ies of folktales and am having difficulties finding picture books about huma ns who use wisdom (and often riddles and wordplay) to triumph. These aren't so much tricksters (anarchic/greedy) as characters like Clever Manka or The Wise Little Girl in Jane Yolen's _Favorite Folktales_. So far, the only picture books I've come up with are Jane Kurtz's _ Fire on the Mountain, Demi's _One Grain of Rice_, Aliki's _Eggs_, Uri S hulevitz's _Secret Room_, and Kent's _Girl Who Wouldn't Get Married_. I keep thinking there must be others out there that I'm completely overlooking. Any suggestions of picture book folktales with human characters that use wits to triumph would be greatly appreciated. Hoping the wise folk of childlit can help,

-- Sharon M. Lawler, MA, MSLS Randolph Elementary Bldg. 146 Harmon Drive Universal City, TX 78148

Check out my books on: Goodreads: Library Thing: (library)

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Received on Sun 18 Oct 2009 12:10:13 PM CDT