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Kids love this author
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From: Hitch-Bradley <>
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 19:54:51 -0500
I am sorry to interrupt this discussion, but I just heard that Pam Flowers is available for schoool and public library visits in this coming winter. Her presentations (we had her visit twice, three years apart) were the best we ever had at our school. Kids love her stories and her books.
Here is the contact info.
You are never too young to have a dream and never too old to make it come true - Pam Flowers Pam Flowers Expeditions Phone 907-733-3307 Fax 907-733-3307 email
Received on Wed 07 Oct 2009 07:54:51 PM CDT
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 19:54:51 -0500
I am sorry to interrupt this discussion, but I just heard that Pam Flowers is available for schoool and public library visits in this coming winter. Her presentations (we had her visit twice, three years apart) were the best we ever had at our school. Kids love her stories and her books.
Here is the contact info.
You are never too young to have a dream and never too old to make it come true - Pam Flowers Pam Flowers Expeditions Phone 907-733-3307 Fax 907-733-3307 email
Received on Wed 07 Oct 2009 07:54:51 PM CDT