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crossover books

From: Mills, Robin <>
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 09:34:32 -0500

 I typically refer to these books as multi-generational reads. Students oft en come to me and say that their book is over-due because another family me mber is reading it. Child Called It by Dave Pelzer was one book passed tho ught families. The resulting family discussions are priceless. As a schoo l librarian I have an advantage of being able to house multiple reading/int erest levels of books w/out thinking about which collection should house th em. From the moment you take that first selfless step to help another person yo u set off a chain reaction that days, months and years later continues to i mpact lives. --Karen Schaler Robin K. Mills - Library Media Specialist Washington Jr. High School 2101 Division Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 Phone: (920) 683-4857 x5768
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Received on Wed 07 Oct 2009 09:34:32 AM CDT