CCBC-Net Archives

A Few More Technical Details

From: Megan Schliesman <>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 15:14:44 -0500

Hello CCBC-Net Community!

Thank you for your patience as our behind-the-scenes technology changed. Our technical administrator, Chris Dowling, has advised me of a couple more things you might want to (or should) know:

1. Receiving a copy of your own message posted to the list: Right now the default is that you WILL NOT receive a copy of the message you post. To change this so you do receive a copy of it, you must send a message TO:

in the BODY of the message, type:

set ccbc-net repro

(The subject line is blank).

2. Logging into the web account mangement interface: yesterday I wrote that there is also a Web-Based Subscriber Management interface. You can log into your ccbc-net account to make changes via the web at:

Under List Subscribers, enter


in the box in front of

Chris advised me of the following: "What I have found is that the average list member does NOT have a password to the web pages. What happens when a member tries to login is that the member is notified of a failed login and is offered a button to "Email Password". Clicking on this button sends a message via email to the member. Clicking on a link in the message returns the person to the web pages to type a "New Password" and to "Verify New Password" then click on the "Reset Password" button to save it."

So we apologize for that extra step.


-- Megan Schliesman, Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison 600 N. Park Street, Room 4290 Madison, WI 53706

Received on Wed 23 Sep 2009 03:14:44 PM CDT