CCBC-Net Archives

CCBC-Net Technical Changes: IMPORTANT

From: Megan Schliesman <>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 12:52:51 -0500

Dear CCBC-Net Members,

Last week, CCBC-Net migrated to a new server on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. It's created a few changes, and a few difficulties we are working out. Here is some ESSENTIAL information for you to know:

New address for posting messages:

Please begin using this NOW. Messages sent to the old address ( will only be forwarded to the new list address until the end of September.

Second, the CCBC-Net archives are temporarily inaccessible.

Third, a few basic commands:

To unsubscribe: send a blank e-mail message (from your subscriber e-mail address) to:

To join/rejoin, send a blank e-mail message from to:

Potential Migration Problems with Digest Format:

We've heard from at least one CCBC-net subscriber who had been receiving the Digest version of CCBC-Net prior to the migration to the new server but since the migration has been receiving individuals messages. If you have also discovered you are no longer receiving CCBC-Net in the Digest format but were--or want to be--you can do the following to (re)set your subscription to Digest:

send a message to with this single command in the body:

set ccbc-net digest

There is also a Web-Based Subscriber Management interface. You can log into your ccbc-net account to make these changes via the web at:

Under List Subscribers, enter


in the box in front of

You will be prompted for your e-mail address (remember, use your CCBC-Net subscriber e-mail address) and then your CCBC-Net password. (To my knowledge, your old CCBC-Net password will work; however, I will update you if this is not the case.)

Once you are logged in, click on "My Account." From here you can indicate how you want to receive messages (e.g., as they come in, in a daily digest, etc.)

We'll send out another message to further clarify things as needed.


-- Megan Schliesman, Librarian Cooperative Children's Book Center School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison 600 N. Park Street, Room 4290 Madison, WI 53706

Received on Tue 22 Sep 2009 12:52:51 PM CDT