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[CCBC-Net] End of "Reading Rainbow"

From: bryn samuels <brynmarie>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 15:40:52 -0500

I don't want to impose this discussion anymore on the list; I'd be happy to continue, just want to make sure it's an appropriate use of the group. So, here are a handful of links where these discussions are taking place. I've written to quite a few people, as have some others I'm aware of, and hopefully we'll soon be able to turn our numbers into action.

NPR article:

BusinessFirst article: 4/daily38.html

TVSeriesFinale article: ancelled-leaving/


reddit: w_this_in_rbooks_but_it_deserves_more_eyes/



t-shirt (wondering if they're donating any proceeds):

Also check out the fb discussion board for contact info:

Thanks everyone for your support. I really hope we can make something happen.


Bryn Samuels Nashville, TN School Library Information Specialist student (UTKnoxville)

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Angie Miles <readingam at> wrote:

> are exactly correct. It was bought by Hooked on Phonics and
> the originators were dismissed in that process. I don't know their status
> at this time, but clearly, we have work to do.
> Where did you get your t-shirt? Is that organization still alive? Should
> we be considering reviving a t-shirt campaign...among other things?
> Angie Miles
> Ashland, Virginia
> --- On Mon, 8/31/09, Donna German <donnagerman at>
> wrote:
> From: Donna German <donnagerman at>
> Subject: RE: [CCBC-Net] End of "Reading Rainbow"
> To: "'Angie Miles'" <readingam at>,
> ccbc-net at, "'Anne Dean Mackintosh'" <
> annedean at>
> Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 4:44 PM
> I, too, remember when Reading Rainbow had its initial funding pulled. I
> believe it was in 2006. At that time, there were a number of grass root
> organizations trying to come up with funding to keep it on the air. I still
> have and wear a ?Save Reading Rainbow? sweatshirt that I bought at that
> time. If I?m not mistaken, it was eventually bought by Hooked on Phonics but
> the original producers were not kept on and no new shows have been made
> since then. I?m not privy to contractual arrangements that would have kept
> back shows on the air via PBS channels. Angie is right?money talks?.
> Donna German
> Editor
> Sylvan Dell Publishing
> 976 Houston Northcutt Blvd., Suite 3
> Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
> 843-971-6722 (off), 877-958-2600 (toll free), 843-216-3804 (fax)
> Temporary eBook Viewing Code: MSBL9J
> Code expiration date: 10/31/2009
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: ccbc-net-bounces at [mailto:
> ccbc-net-bounces at] On Behalf Of Angie Miles
> Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 12:27 PM
> To: ccbc-net at; Anne Dean Mackintosh
> Subject: Re: [CCBC-Net] End of " Reading Rainbow"
> Dear Reading Community
> I read with great interest and concern the posts regarding Reading
> Rainbow. I applaud efforts to let PBS know how badly we would like to save
> this program, but frankly, the only thing that can possibly save it is
> funding. And I believe our efforts, if we genuinely feel the need to offer
> support, should be in that direction.
> I cannot overstate my strong feelings in favor of Rainbow. My background
> is in broadcasting, but most of my current work is in literacy. I work to
> help struggling readers improve their skill through best practices, but the
> vast majority of my work relates to educating parents about literacy and
> making grassroots changes in student motivation to read...especially among
> "at-risk" kids and in limited resource communities. Without instilling
> strong desire to read, without prompting emotional engagement with reading,
> we cannot possibly make headway in the fight against illiteracy and low
> literacy that continue to plague America .
> For several years, I have also served as a local literacy trainer for PBS,
> and though I do not speak for the network in any way, I have had the honor
> of promoting Rainbow and other fine, entertaining, teaching programs PBS
> has offered. I sincerely believe that Rainbow is among the most important
> programs that has ever aired on broadcast airwaves anywhere. Virtually all
> children can identify with the program, which helps them to think of
> themselves as readers. That is no small accomplishment. After more than
> twenty years, the approach still works, and it is still direly needed.
> A few years ago, I tried for a time to assist a friend who was one of the
> Reading Rainbow pioneers. We were looking for funding sources, as I learned
> that the emphasis on marketing and keen competition for funding dollars were
> putting the program in peril. Reading Rainbow doesn't have a cute character
> (some might argue that LeVar is pretty cute, but you get my point) you can
> put on t-shirts, on lunch boxes and in video games. In tight financial
> times, this put it in great danger, and we have seen the results.
> I, too, want to save the Rainbow. I find it shameful, frankly, that those
> of us who love reading and who appreciate the essential value of books
> haven't already found some way to revive and reinvigorate the program. PBS
> is apparently scraping by with limited funds on all fronts. They do
> continue to produce high-quality, entertaining, educational fare, such as
> Sid the Science Kid and the award-winning Superwhy. But there are few shows
> of such high quality designed for slightly older audiences. Reading
> Rainbow, I believe, is informative and appealing for a spectrum of learners
> of all ages...even for adults.
> I hope no one is offended by my comments, which are not meant to be
> critical but are instead intended to inspire any thought or action that can
> make a real difference. I will gladly sign a petition, but if we want to
> save Rainbow, we've got to come up with a way to pay for it...plain and
> simple.
> How much would each of us be willing to contribute for an interstitial that
> says "Brought to you by CCBC-Net" or some other name comparable to "Lovers
> of Books" or "Keepers of the Written Word"? Who has a company or knows
> someone within corporate America who is enlightened enough to say "yes" to
> funding Rainbow? Who will organize a book equivalent of a bake sale brigade
> to breathe new life into the show? I had even thought at one time we could
> generate an annual t-shirt, proceeds of which would go solely to fund the
> show. How many would each of us be willing to buy...for ourselves, our
> families, our libraries, our schools? This is a pivotal moment, if we
> choose to embrace it, using the full spectrum of our imagination.
> I don't have millions of dollars, but I'm open to doing whatever I can to
> really save Reading Rainbow. The show taught us that we can go anywhere and
> do anything. What have we learned? What will we do next? Is this
> experience a book we're reading or is it a book we're writing?
> Regards
> Angie Miles
> Ashland , Virginia
> --- On Sun, 8/30/09, Anne Dean Mackintosh <annedean at> wrote:
> From: Anne Dean Mackintosh <annedean at>
> Subject: [CCBC-Net] End of " Reading Rainbow"
> To: ccbc-net at
> Date: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 1:59 PM
> Many thanks to those who have signed the petition to keep "Reading Rainbow"
> on the air. As of 10:00 Sunday morning 350 signatures, many with heartfelt
> comments, were on the petition. Not bad for a weekend late in August! If
> you
> have any trouble accessing
> please
> try
> Thank you!
> Anne
> --
> Anne Dean Mackintosh
> 129 Westover Drive
> Cherry Hill , NJ 08034
> annedean at
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Received on Mon 31 Aug 2009 03:40:52 PM CDT