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[CCBC-Net] Books to Movies

From: Brian Kerr-Jung <bkerrjung>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 17:08:20 -0400

I thought "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" was beautifully designed and shot. Still, it left me cold. What I missed were all the little charms of the book, especially the dialog. The film dropped the discussion near the beginning with the professor about the nature of reality as well as the interaction near the end with the weepy giant and many little moments in between. Instead there was a lot of shouting of Hollywood one-liners with swords thrust in the air.

Dialog seems like something that could transfer rather easily between a book and a movie, but it rarely does. Sad, considering our best writers are often very fine writers of dialog.

Haven't bothered with "Caspian."

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Tiffany Dismuke<td.ssch at> wrote:
> I was just having a conversation about this on Tuesday and I'm
> wondering if anyone else was as disappointed by "Prince Caspian" as I
> was. I saw "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" in the theater and
> thought it was done spectacularly. My complaints were all minor, and
> had more to do with me imagining things differently than the film
> makers.
> However, I was so glad that I did not waste my money to see "Prince
> Caspian" in the theater. They changed so much, particularly when the
> trees started moving. In Narnia, the trees send out their spirits. In
> Middle Earth, they move. These type of differences, the ones that seem
> to be a blatant disregard of the original text, are the ones that
> often destroy a movie for me.
> --
> Tiffany Dismuke
> Public Information Associate
> Steger-South Chicago Heights Library
> td.ssch at
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Brian Jung
Received on Mon 17 Aug 2009 04:08:20 PM CDT