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[CCBC-Net] Twilight, better reads, and sex

From: James Elliott <libraryjim>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 13:45:50 -0400 (EDT)

There have been studies for some time now that says that vampire novels, starting with Dracula, substitute the Vampirism for sexual promiscuity. You have the hypnotic power of the V. over women, illicit penetration, etc., usually in a bedroom setting. Especially in Victorian England where a frank discussion or portrayal of sexual activity was frowned upon or driven underground.

----- Original Message ----- From: Maia Cheli-Colando <maiacheli at>

*** Beyond specific book-talking.... From my understanding of Twilight, Meyer is conflating sex and violence. Sex and danger. Many elements in our media, religion, and music do this as well. While sexual objectification is shoved down everyone's throats, especially in advertising, girls are simultaneously told that sex is bad and dangerous for them. And, by implication, that they are bad and dangerous if they engage in sexual expression. So something like Twilight makes a lot of sense in terms of its appeal, because it is articulating a strong underlying message that most American girls hear and feel - the desire, the danger, the forced resistance, the forced obedience.
Received on Wed 15 Jul 2009 12:45:50 PM CDT