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[CCBC-Net] Memorable Characters

From: Dona Thompson <donathompson73>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 23:59:01 -0500

This discussion would not be complete, in my opinion, without the inclusion of Grace, from *Amazing Grace* by Mary Hoffman. I read it aloud to my students every year and still choke up every time because of her bravery. As a teacher, I am inspired by Miss Bonkers of *Hooray for Diffendoorfer Day!* and the joyous way she inspires her students. Who says that children's books are just for children? Not me, that is for sure!

My childhood character favorite is Charlotte, the spider, in E. B. White's *Charlotte's Web. *The first time I ever heard the story was in 1967 as I sat quietly at my desk, after lunch and recess were over, and breathlessly listened as my 6th grade teacher read the book aloud to us. We were 11 and 12 years old,
(the biggest kids in the school!) but there wasn't a dry eye in the classroom the day the brave and resourceful Charlotte died.
Received on Thu 18 Jun 2009 11:59:01 PM CDT