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[CCBC-Net] Eco Books

From: Nancy Silverrod <nsilverrod>
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 13:58:04 -0700

One of my favorites has always been The Salamander Room by Anne Mazer. The illustrations on each page add to the lushness of the environment that starts off when a boy brings a salamander home to live in his room. His mother asks where will the salamander sleep, and where will it play, and the boy imagines an ever-increasing habitat that finally fills his room with forest, and lifts the roof off to be open to the sky.

Nancy Silverrod, Librarian San Francisco Public Library 100 Larkin St. San Francisco, CA 94122-4733 nsilverrod at 415-557-4417

Our heads are round so that thoughts can change direction. -Francis Picabia, painter and poet (1879-1953)

Our memories are card indexes consulted and then returned in disorder by authorities whom we do not control. -Cyril Connolly, critic and editor (1903-1974)

A closed mind is like a closed book: just a block of wood. -Chinese Proverb

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Received on Wed 03 Jun 2009 03:58:04 PM CDT