CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] New resource for teachers, librarians, and writers

From: Carmela Martino <carmelamartino>
Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 08:20:57 -0500

I am pleased to announce a new resource for teachers, librarians, and writers:
<> . This is a new blog by six children's book authors with a wide range (and many years) of experience teaching writing to children, teens, and adults: April Halprin Wayland, Esther Hershenhorn, Jeanne Marie Grunwell Ford, JoAnn Early Macken, Mary Ann Rodman, and me, Carmela Martino. Via the blog, we plan to share our unique perspective as writing teachers who are also working writers. One of our regular blog features will be "Writing Workouts"--writing exercises that can be used by young writers and those who are, as Esther Hershenhorn likes to say, "young at heart." We invite classroom teachers to try these exercises with their students, and adult writers to try them on their own.


In addition to discussing what we've learned about writing and the teaching of writing, we also hope to accomplish something on the blog that we can't do on our websites: facilitate conversations between writers, teachers, and librarians about the subjects we love best--writing, teaching writing, and reading. To encourage that interaction, we would like to solicit topic suggestions from our readers. Please see the "Ask the Teaching Authors" section in the blog sidebar to submit writing or teaching questions you would like us to address.

Our new blog is a work-in-progress. The current plan is to post three times per week, rotating through a schedule that has each Teaching Author posting every two weeks. We began our regular posts on Monday, April 27, with a series about who we are and how we became Teaching Authors. That series will end just in time for Children's Book Week, which will relate directly to our second topic.

So please stop by and take a peek. Esther's post of Wednesday includes our first "Writing Workout." Please let us know what you think!


Carmela Martino

Received on Fri 01 May 2009 08:20:57 AM CDT