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[CCBC-Net] Book being pulled from shelf

From: Alixwrites at <Alixwrites>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 08:47:41 EDT

In a message dated 3/30/2009 8:40:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, marcytroy at writes:

As I perused the Full List of Funny YA Books I noticed the Diary of A Wimpy Kid. In my district, one of the LRCs pulled this book from circulation because of a complaint/complaints about bullying. I have not read this book and wonder what subscribers think about this. I would imagine many of you are as upset as I am at the thought of a book being pulled off the shelf. But what about the validity of the complaint about bullying in this book? But I don't understand. Why would someone complain about there being bullying in a book? Do they think that kids are unaware of the concept of bullying and would get the idea to bully from reading a book? In my, albeit limited
(myself, my kids, their friends, and numerous letters from my readers) experience, reading about bullying can be cathartic both for bully and victim, letting the victim know that it happens to others and possibly making the bully more aware of his or her actions and their consequences.

Best, Alexandra Flinn
_www.alexflinn.com_ ( What did you do on your summer vacation? Jack found a 300-year-old princess! A Kiss in Time, a modern Sleeping Beauty (HarperCollins, April, 2009)

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Received on Mon 30 Mar 2009 07:47:41 AM CDT