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[CCBC-Net] Octavian Nothing

From: Elaine Dimopoulos <edimopoulos>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 13:46:40 -0500

Vicki, would you mind elaborating? What about the first _Octavian Nothing_ book made it a less than satisfying read for you? And what did the teen say about his/her own reading experience?

Because of the period prose style, I am not surprised that young adults aren't devouring these books. They will likely not be popular in the way, say, _Feed_ is. Still, a book may be of quality without its being a page turner. I am certain that there are young people out there for whom Octavian's journey is a captivating and surreal marvel told in savory, elegant language. (Yes, I am a fan now--but I know I would have enjoyed these books as a teenager, too.)

***Mild spoiler alert here***

I will say, without giving too much away, that I had some concern as to how Anderson was going to end the saga. There is so much turmoil in Octavian's life that to end in a place of utter devastation would read like a gut punch. Likewise, to end too heroically or optimistically would be untrue to the time period and ignore the logical consequences of Octavian's plight as a "traitor to the nation" and a young black man in the 18th century. Anderson, in his infinite genius, strikes the perfect balance; he gives us unflinching reality but offers a glimmer of hope, feeble though it may be. It is, in my opinion, just enough to sustain and satisfy the reader.

I think the couplet is brilliant. Hats off to Anderson, and to Candlewick for believing in the project--and may more houses follow suit by publishing works of quality that challenge the current "YA" categorization.

Elaine Dimopoulos

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 12:40 PM, WAY Vicki Kouchnerkavich
<wayvk at> wrote:
> I hate to say anything negative about this book/series, but I must. It was not
> a good read for me. An 18 year old teen who comes to my library and is a huge
> reader, said to me one day, "Can I show you a book that I thought was just
> terrible?" You guessed it - Octivian Nothing.
> When I saw the next book was coming out, I checked my library stats for the
> number of circs for the first book and it was only 4, so I decided not to
> purchase the 2nd book.
> We are a small rural library serving about 6,000 people and belong to a great
> library cooperative where teens if interested in this next book, I could
> suggest them to interloan it.
> I have had the pleasure of hearing M.T. Anderson speak and he is a fantastic
> guy, but somehow this book didn't connect with me or the teens in my library.
> Vicki Kouchnerkavich
> Henika District Library (AW)
> Youth Services Supervisor
> 149 S. Main St.
> Wayland, MI 49348
> 269-792-2891
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Received on Thu 20 Nov 2008 12:46:40 PM CST