CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] Astonishing Octavian

From: Megan Schliesman <schliesman>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 10:51:33 -0600

For the rest of November, we are going to turn our attention to M.T. Anderson's "The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation." Volume 1: The Pox Party was published by Candlewick in 2006, and Volume 2: The Kingdom of the Waves, was just published this fall.

M. T. Anderson?s radical, revolutionary story juxtaposes the struggle for independence and liberty in the American colonies in the years leading up and during the Revolutionary War with the paradox of slavery. Whether you've read just the first volume, or been able to read volume 2 as well, we'd like to know what you have to say about this distinctive work.

 From the time I first read volume 1, I thought that although the eighteenth-century prose style may be a struggle for some teen readers, Anderson?s provocative exploration of ideas debated as central to the foundation of our nation when it was new in the context of Octavian?s life as a slave and his struggle for freedom and self-determination makes the challenge well worth the effort. It seems to me it would be an incredible book to explore in a classroom setting as well as through independent reading and discussion.

What are your thoughts about the Octavian Nothing story--in part or in whole? Has anyone heard from individual teen readers, or used the book with teens in a book discussion or classroom?


Megan Schliesman, Librarian
Cooperative Children's Book Center
School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison
schliesman at
Received on Thu 20 Nov 2008 10:51:33 AM CST