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[CCBC-Net] Reading the World and Nye Literature Announcements
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From: Beverly V. Hock <bevvhock>
Date: Sat, 01 Nov 2008 09:53:04 -0700
Reading the World XI -a conference celebrating multicultural literature for children and young adults March 28, 29, 2009 - University of San Francisco, School of Education Keynote speakers are Theresa Breslin, Michael Cart, Sarah Ellis, Francisco Jim?nez, Marilyn Nelson, Rosemary Wells, and Junko Yokota. Numerous break out sessions with presenters such as Alma Flor Ada, Isabel F. Compoy, Patty Campbell, Malathi Michelle Iyeger, Deborah Taylor and more. Saturday celebration dinner at the Kabuki Hotel with Angelica Carpenter of the Arne Nixon Center at CSU Fresno For more information: www.soe.usfca/institutes/reading_world/conference Registrar Barbara Hood rtwconf at (415) 422-5110 Director, Beverly Vaughn Hock bevvhock at (650) 342-2817
The Nye Memorial Children?s Literature Tour of the Ukraine, June 23-July 5, 2009 with add on to Odessa June 23-July 10, 2009. Travel with a group of children?s literature enthusiasts to study the culture, the literature, and meet with local authors and illustrators. This tour has been successfully traveling the globe for over twenty years. For more information: Susan Fox < at> or Beverly Vaughn Hock bevvhock at
Received on Sat 01 Nov 2008 11:53:04 AM CDT
Date: Sat, 01 Nov 2008 09:53:04 -0700
Reading the World XI -a conference celebrating multicultural literature for children and young adults March 28, 29, 2009 - University of San Francisco, School of Education Keynote speakers are Theresa Breslin, Michael Cart, Sarah Ellis, Francisco Jim?nez, Marilyn Nelson, Rosemary Wells, and Junko Yokota. Numerous break out sessions with presenters such as Alma Flor Ada, Isabel F. Compoy, Patty Campbell, Malathi Michelle Iyeger, Deborah Taylor and more. Saturday celebration dinner at the Kabuki Hotel with Angelica Carpenter of the Arne Nixon Center at CSU Fresno For more information: www.soe.usfca/institutes/reading_world/conference Registrar Barbara Hood rtwconf at (415) 422-5110 Director, Beverly Vaughn Hock bevvhock at (650) 342-2817
The Nye Memorial Children?s Literature Tour of the Ukraine, June 23-July 5, 2009 with add on to Odessa June 23-July 10, 2009. Travel with a group of children?s literature enthusiasts to study the culture, the literature, and meet with local authors and illustrators. This tour has been successfully traveling the globe for over twenty years. For more information: Susan Fox < at> or Beverly Vaughn Hock bevvhock at
Received on Sat 01 Nov 2008 11:53:04 AM CDT