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[CCBC-Net] Pamela Service's books on Arthur and Merlin

From: Barbara Kerley <barbara>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 11:28:43 -0700

Hello all,

Elsa wrote:

"In the Arthurian legend department, some of you may remember Pamela Service's first novel, WINTER OF MAGIC'S RETURN, and its sequel, which posited Arthur and Merlin with some kids who have somehow survived a nuclear winter, centuries hence. Out of print for some years, I believe it is now republished or soon will be."

It's great to see Pam's work mentioned on this list. I have the pleasure of sharing Pam's company in our writers' group, and am happy to report on this list that Random House has brought the books back into print. WINTER OF MAGIC'S RETURN and TOMORROW'S MAGIC are now published together in a single volume as TOMORROW'S MAGIC. (Random House, 2007) A sequel came out this year called YESTERDAY'S MAGIC. The books are full of humor and adventure, with some very fun characters.

Barb Kerley
Received on Tue 28 Oct 2008 01:28:43 PM CDT