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[CCBC-Net] 2009 ALSC Preconference
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From: Carin Bringelson <carin>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 11:50:17 -0500
SAVE THE DATE! July 10, 2009
A newspaper article about ?controversial? children?s books prompts a parent to say ?I certainly hope our library doesn?t have any of these.?
Are you ready to respond?
Join us on Friday, July 10, 2009, in Chicago for the 2009 Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) Preconference: ?Meeting the Challenge: Practical Tips and Inspiring Tales on Intellectual Freedom.?
The day will offer strategies for addressing complaints and stories to strengthen resolve. Author Judy Blume, librarians Carolyn Caywood, Carrie Gardner, James LaRue, and others will offer pragmatic advice and passionate perspectives on intellectual freedom.
Mark your calendars now for this exhilarating preconference, being held just prior to the American Library Association annual meeting. Registration will open along with ALA early bird registration on January 2, 2009. Registration for the preconference will include breakfast and lunch.
Thanks, Carin Bringelson, member 2009 ALSC Preconference Planning Committee
Received on Wed 01 Oct 2008 11:50:17 AM CDT
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2008 11:50:17 -0500
SAVE THE DATE! July 10, 2009
A newspaper article about ?controversial? children?s books prompts a parent to say ?I certainly hope our library doesn?t have any of these.?
Are you ready to respond?
Join us on Friday, July 10, 2009, in Chicago for the 2009 Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) Preconference: ?Meeting the Challenge: Practical Tips and Inspiring Tales on Intellectual Freedom.?
The day will offer strategies for addressing complaints and stories to strengthen resolve. Author Judy Blume, librarians Carolyn Caywood, Carrie Gardner, James LaRue, and others will offer pragmatic advice and passionate perspectives on intellectual freedom.
Mark your calendars now for this exhilarating preconference, being held just prior to the American Library Association annual meeting. Registration will open along with ALA early bird registration on January 2, 2009. Registration for the preconference will include breakfast and lunch.
Thanks, Carin Bringelson, member 2009 ALSC Preconference Planning Committee
Received on Wed 01 Oct 2008 11:50:17 AM CDT