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[CCBC-Net] Books for Babies

From: nespecas at <nespecas>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 22:11:47 -0400

I am weighing in on the board books and books for babies (in general) discussion here at the end of the month. I do training on baby/toddler/preschool books and programs and here are a few of my favorites for babies.

Allen, Joy. Baby Signs. Dial, 2008.
  Baby Animals. Osh Kosh (Little Simon), 2003.
  Barry, Francis. Duckie?s Splash. Candlewick, 2006.

Blake, Michael. Baby?s Day. Candlewick, 2007. Also, Let?s Play; Off to Bed; and Out to Play.

Boynton, Sandra. Fuzzy Fuzzy Fuzzy! A Touch, Scritch & Tickle Book. Little Simon, 2003.

Emberley, Rebecca. My Colors. Little, Brown, 2000. Also, My Animals; My Clothes; My Food; My Numbers; My Opposites; My Shapes; and My Toys.

Fleming, Denise. The Everything Book. Holt, 2000.

Hills, Tad. My Fuzzy Farm Babies. Little Simon, 2001.

Hoban, Tana. Black & White. Greenwillow, 2007.

Horacek, Petr. Choo Choo. Candlewick Press, 2008. Also, Beep Beep; Strawberries are Red; What is Black and White; and several others.

Intrater, Roberta Grobel. Baby Faces: Peek-A-Boo! Scholastic, 1997. Also, Baby Faces: Smile!; Baby Faces: Eat; Baby Faces: Hugs and Kisses; Baby Faces: Sleep; Baby Faces: Splash.

Jocelyn, Marthe. Ready for Autumn. Ready for Spring. Ready for Summer. Ready for Winter. (Four Board Books) Tundra, 2008.

Johansson, Cecilia. Just Like Mommy. Little Simon, 2006. Also, Just Like Daddy.

Katz, Karen. Peek-A-Baby. Little Simon, 2007. Also, Where is Baby?s Belly Button?; Where is Baby?s Mommy?; Daddy and Me; Grandma and Me; Grandpa and Me; Toes, Ears, & Noses; Counting Kisses; Mommy Hugs; Daddy Hugs 1 2 3; and many others.

Kubler, Annie. I?m a Little Teapot. Child?s Play, 2007. Also, Wee Willie Winkie; Hey Diddle Diddle!; and This Little Piggy.

Linenthal, Peter. Look at Baby?s House. Dutton, 2008. Several others.

Manning, Jane. This Little Piggy. Harper, 1997.

Miller, Margaret. Baby Talk. Little Simon, 2004. Also, Baby Faces; Baby Food; Baby Pets; Boo! Baby; Baby Pets; I Love Colors; Me and My Bear; Peekaboo Baby; and What's on My Head? And many others.

Patricelli, Leslie. Baby Happy Baby Sad. Candlewick, 2008. Also, No No Yes Yes.

Rascek, Sanja. Bounce and Jiggle. Child?s Play, 2008. Also, Calm and Soothe; Touch and Tickle; Wiggle and Move.

Sami. Flip-A-Face series. Blue Apple, 2007. Some titles include: Yellow Red Blue; Big Little; Colors; Baby Animals; Baby Talk; Woof-Woof etc.
         Watt, Fiona. That?s Not My Teddy?Its Paws Are Too Woolly. Usborne Books, 2008. Also, That?s Not My Puppy? Its Coat is Too Hairy and many others.

Wattenberg, Jane. Mrs. Mustard?s Baby Faces. Chronicle, 2007.

Wells, Rosemary. Bear Went Over The Mountain. Scholastic, 1998. Also, Bingo; Itsy Bitsy Spider; and Old MacDonald.

Yolen, Jane. This Little Piggy and Other Rhymes to Sing and Play. Candlewick, 2006.
Sue McCleaf Nespeca 
Early Literacy/Children's Literature Specialist 
Email: nespecas at; sue at
Phone: 330.799.0310
Received on Tue 30 Sep 2008 09:11:47 PM CDT