CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] Minders of Make-Believe

From: Aline Pereira <aline>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 13:43:34 -0700

I stand humbled beneath this rich blanket of knowledge you have all so expertly and passionately weaved. It was a great pleasure to follow this discussion. I didn't have much to bring to it at this point, but the themes raised here will continue to inspire thoughts and actions in my work/life (as they often do), and I thank Leonard and CCBC for creating such an opportunity for us all.


************************************************ Aline Pereira Managing Editor, PaperTigers Pacific Rim Voices 300 Third Street, #822 San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 648-4528

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Received on Thu 31 Jul 2008 03:43:34 PM CDT