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From: Erzsi Deak <erzsi.deak>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 22:00:04 +0200
Hi. I'm guessing this is actually for y'all.
Cheers, Erzsi
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Diane Purkiss <dianepurkiss at> Date: Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 9:37 PM Subject: RE: [CCBC-Net] CCBC-Net Digest, Vol 36, Issue 14 To: Erzsi Deak <erzsi.deak at>
Hi, I can't connect to your webpage and I'd be very grateful if you'd unsubscribe me as I'm going away for a month. Best, Diane Purkiss
-----Original Message----- From: ccbc-net-bounces at
[mailto:ccbc-net-bounces at] On Behalf Of Erzsi Deak Sent: 18 July 2008 19:36 To: ccbc-net at Subject: Re: [CCBC-Net] CCBC-Net Digest, Vol 36, Issue 14
Thanks, everyone for this and the blog discussion earlier this month.
I found it interesting to note how multiculturalism morphed into internationalism in this discussion and do applaud it on the publishing front and any attempt to encourage cultures to look beyond their own borders
(Thanks for those links, Marc. I have often wanted to attend the PEN event, but I believe it has repeatedly taken place on or around the same dates as Bologna). One of the other reasons US publishers were reportedly selling more at Bologna this year was that the "price was right." From the other side, a number of US publishers told me they couldn't be at all lukewarm about a title; due to the Euro/USD exchange rate, they had to really, really, really, really love the book to even think about buying it. That said, and I don't have the figures in front of me, I've been told by French publishers, at least, that they are buying in less (it used to be something like 70% some ten years ago). Finally, there are a few US publishers
(outside of Kane-Miller) who seek out international titles to import. But I'll let those that are on this list speak up for themselves. Leonard, I cannot wait to read MINDERS. Awhile back, the SCBWI ran an article about the modern-day "gatekeepers" in England and it certainly is a familiar story.
Annette, if you write me off-listserv, I might be able to link you up with some possibly useful voices and information for your dissertation.
Erzsi Deak
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 22:00:04 +0200
Hi. I'm guessing this is actually for y'all.
Cheers, Erzsi
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Diane Purkiss <dianepurkiss at> Date: Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 9:37 PM Subject: RE: [CCBC-Net] CCBC-Net Digest, Vol 36, Issue 14 To: Erzsi Deak <erzsi.deak at>
Hi, I can't connect to your webpage and I'd be very grateful if you'd unsubscribe me as I'm going away for a month. Best, Diane Purkiss
-----Original Message----- From: ccbc-net-bounces at
[mailto:ccbc-net-bounces at] On Behalf Of Erzsi Deak Sent: 18 July 2008 19:36 To: ccbc-net at Subject: Re: [CCBC-Net] CCBC-Net Digest, Vol 36, Issue 14
Thanks, everyone for this and the blog discussion earlier this month.
I found it interesting to note how multiculturalism morphed into internationalism in this discussion and do applaud it on the publishing front and any attempt to encourage cultures to look beyond their own borders
(Thanks for those links, Marc. I have often wanted to attend the PEN event, but I believe it has repeatedly taken place on or around the same dates as Bologna). One of the other reasons US publishers were reportedly selling more at Bologna this year was that the "price was right." From the other side, a number of US publishers told me they couldn't be at all lukewarm about a title; due to the Euro/USD exchange rate, they had to really, really, really, really love the book to even think about buying it. That said, and I don't have the figures in front of me, I've been told by French publishers, at least, that they are buying in less (it used to be something like 70% some ten years ago). Finally, there are a few US publishers
(outside of Kane-Miller) who seek out international titles to import. But I'll let those that are on this list speak up for themselves. Leonard, I cannot wait to read MINDERS. Awhile back, the SCBWI ran an article about the modern-day "gatekeepers" in England and it certainly is a familiar story.
Annette, if you write me off-listserv, I might be able to link you up with some possibly useful voices and information for your dissertation.
Erzsi Deak
---- Erzsi Deak _______________________________________________ CCBC-Net mailing list CCBC-Net at Visit this link to read archives or to unsubscribe... -- Erzsi Deak www.erzsideak.comReceived on Fri 18 Jul 2008 03:00:04 PM CDT