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[CCBC-Net] GLBTQ lit
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From: Hendon, Alison <A.Hendon>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 17:36:56 -0400
Somewhat off topic, but Tish suggested that libraries count the number of times a book is off the shelf,
>Thus the posted reminders "Please do not
> reshelve books."
In my experience we don't want people to reshelve books because they so often do it inaccurately, making it hard for the next patron or librarian to find the book!
Re the GLBTQ book lists - my feeling is that including titles where the hero or heroine cross-dresses for the purposes of survival/economic opportunity/training for a non-traditional job really dilutes the value of the list to actual gay lesbian etc. teens. Is The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis on this list? After all the main character has to dress as a boy to be able to earn a little money for her family in Afghanistan.
Alison Hendon Youth Selection Team Leader Brooklyn Public Library a.hendon at
Received on Tue 27 May 2008 04:36:56 PM CDT
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 17:36:56 -0400
Somewhat off topic, but Tish suggested that libraries count the number of times a book is off the shelf,
>Thus the posted reminders "Please do not
> reshelve books."
In my experience we don't want people to reshelve books because they so often do it inaccurately, making it hard for the next patron or librarian to find the book!
Re the GLBTQ book lists - my feeling is that including titles where the hero or heroine cross-dresses for the purposes of survival/economic opportunity/training for a non-traditional job really dilutes the value of the list to actual gay lesbian etc. teens. Is The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis on this list? After all the main character has to dress as a boy to be able to earn a little money for her family in Afghanistan.
Alison Hendon Youth Selection Team Leader Brooklyn Public Library a.hendon at
Received on Tue 27 May 2008 04:36:56 PM CDT