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[CCBC-Net] [CCBC-Net} GLBTQ Literature

From: Nancegar at <Nancegar>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 20:55:27 EDT

I'm frustrated both at being swamped and being about to go away for four days, and consequently at not having much time to participate in this discussion, but I've just read through the discussion so far and am delighted to see a number of the newest LGBTQ books being mentioned! This last year has seen more published than any previous year. To me, one of the most exciting things that's beginning to happen in GLBTQ literature is the trend toward books that deal as much with universal experiences of young GLBTQ characters as with the
"issue" of being GLBTQ. GLBTQ characters in YA books today--be they major or minor--are also much less apt to be shown agonizing over their sexuality than they used to be, and are much more apt to be strong and proud; if they meet with homophobia, they're more likely to deal with it with confidence than in previous books. For year, most GLBTQ characters were shown as victims; those days have gradually been fading and now are just about gone!

There are two wonderful resources for librarians and teachers interested in finding LGBT titles: Michael Cart and Chrstine A. Jenkins's THE HEART HAS ITS REASONS: Young Adult Literature with Gay/Lesbian/Queer Content, 1969-2004 (The Scarecrow Press, 2006), and LESBIAN AND GAY VOICES: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Literatre for Children and Young Adults by Frances Ann Day
(Greenwood Press, 2000). You wont' find the most recent titles in either, but you will find many, many important ones, plus other important information as well.

I can't resist naming one of my favorites for young children: PUG DOG by Andrea U'Ren (Farrar, Straus & Giroux 2001) It's about a female puppy who acts like a male and is a wonderfully fun story in addition to being a fine statement about gender.

I'm looking forward to reading more of this discussion as soon as I can!

Nancy (Garden)
_________________________________________________________________ Please check out my website at And please have a look at HEAR US OUT: LESBIAN AND GAY STORIES OF STRUGGLE, PROGRESS AND HOPE, 1950 TO THE PRESENT, and the new edition of ANNIE ON MY MIND
, in honor of its 25th anniversary!

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Received on Tue 20 May 2008 07:55:27 PM CDT