CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] April Part 2: The Demise of the Picture Book?

From: JaneYolen at <JaneYolen>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 13:46:21 EDT

I find I have been selling lots of picture books lately, some artfully disguised as "inspirational" books, some as "novelty" books, some as graphic novels. Each time we have a new baby boom, there is a rush to publish more children's picture books.

The real change in the last ten years is the push towards baby picture books. Just as the ten or so years before, we were all talking about picture books for older readers. That seems mostly gone except for Rob ert Sabuda's amazing pop up creations and some generalized Americana history picture books.

Reality check: books on the page in general are being threatened by the electronic culture, but I don't foresee a quick death of picture books. Maybe some retrenching until the next baby boomlet comes along.

As for foreign sales--that is an economic problem more than anything. British publishers, for example, need to have the translation rights in order to print enough books to make their originated books a success. And they print the majority of their picture books there in paper, not hardcover.

Jane Yolen

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Received on Mon 21 Apr 2008 12:46:21 PM CDT