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[CCBC-Net] Just reading annother poem
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From: Sharron L. McElmeel <mcelmeels>
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 16:26:33 -0500
Of course, Lee I entirely agree with you -- but if we don't dissect and analyze poetry for those tests, how can teachers meet those standards and prepare their students for those inane tests that will prove they (we) are not leaving any child behind. <grin> We can't after all bottle enjoyment, capture joy of language, or see the glitter in a child's eyes when a turn of phrase shimmers in the air.
What's a teacher to do? <wink>
Seriously do we have any answers for those administrators who tell us that reading aloud is not productive time? I know the answer that I give but how about the world that isn't quite as outspoken? Sharron McElmeel
At 4:33 PM -0400 04/07/08, Lbhcove at wrote:
>LOUIS UNTERMEYER in THE PURSUIT OF POETRY (Simon & Schuster, l969) cites
>Frost's own reaction to
>tearing apart "Stopping by Woods...".
>Children, like Frost, want to 'get the hell out of there', too!
>Rather than dissecting, and analyzing, why not just read them another poem?
>Time will be better spent!
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 16:26:33 -0500
Of course, Lee I entirely agree with you -- but if we don't dissect and analyze poetry for those tests, how can teachers meet those standards and prepare their students for those inane tests that will prove they (we) are not leaving any child behind. <grin> We can't after all bottle enjoyment, capture joy of language, or see the glitter in a child's eyes when a turn of phrase shimmers in the air.
What's a teacher to do? <wink>
Seriously do we have any answers for those administrators who tell us that reading aloud is not productive time? I know the answer that I give but how about the world that isn't quite as outspoken? Sharron McElmeel
At 4:33 PM -0400 04/07/08, Lbhcove at wrote:
>LOUIS UNTERMEYER in THE PURSUIT OF POETRY (Simon & Schuster, l969) cites
>Frost's own reaction to
>tearing apart "Stopping by Woods...".
>Children, like Frost, want to 'get the hell out of there', too!
>Rather than dissecting, and analyzing, why not just read them another poem?
>Time will be better spent!
-- =================================== Sharron L. McElmeel University of Wisconsin - Stout Wisconsin's Polytechnic University Children's Literature in the Reading Program Young Adult Literature in the Reading Program 3000 N Center Point Rd Cedar Rapids, IA 52411-9548 ph. (319) 393-2562 mcelmeel at Author of Authors in the Pantry: Recipes, Stories, and More (Libraries Unlimited, 2007) Authors in the Kitchen: Recipes, Stories, and More (Libraries Unlimited, 2005), Best Teen Reads: 2005 (Hi Willow), Children's Authors and Illustrators Too Good to Miss (Libraries Unlimited); 100 Most Popular Children's Authors (Libraries Unlimited), 100 Most Popular Picture Book Authors and Illustrators (Libraries Unlimited), Character Education: A Book Guide for Teachers, Librarians, and Parents (Libraries Unlimited) and other titles ( =================Received on Mon 07 Apr 2008 04:26:33 PM CDT