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[CCBC-Net] Bullies--and worse

From: Ruth I. Gordon <Druthgo>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 19:27:55 -0700

For those who need lessons about "bullies," i.e., those in power--read books about the Nazi Youth and what can happen to those in power and those not. E.g., Richter's Friedrich is a good start. But when books like this excellent one are presented, maybe one should also show the other side--when older children help younger, e.g., The Little Fishes (Haugaard)

Damnit, we live in a society where the bully wins whether through muscle or economic muscle or other threat. I don't know quite how to write this but my reading of a good deal of history and my teaching of same, has convinced me that religion is a great big bully.

This is a very distressing topic because I have seen too much of this in my travels.

I often wondered about the homes these slashers came from. What about those who stole lunch money from kids? Toys? Clothing? Shoes? Answers to exams?

Bibliotherapy does not heal--it describes. Maybe the little victims should learn how to strike out. Will that mend this society? Nope.

Maybe our elders and betters in government might show a better, less bullyish side.

Don't hang by your thumbs.

As for the telly--

well, can't blame that--we had the strong fist and mean guy/girl well before telly, radio, newspapers.

Too discouraged to continue.

Big Grandma
Received on Mon 17 Mar 2008 09:27:55 PM CDT