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[CCBC-Net] FW: Reading aloud
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From: Bloom, Sam <Sam.Bloom>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:13:59 -0500
PLEASE don't forget Jim Trelease's "Read-Aloud Handbook," which led me to become a children's librarian! Sadly (for us), Jim is no longer on the speech circuit - he has retired to spend time with his grandchildren. My dad (who, incidentally, bought me my first copy of "Read-Aloud Handbook") sent Jim an e-mail thanking him for his work, and got a really nice reply. What a great guy, and a fantastic book - my wife and I now give "Read-Aloud Handbook" as a gift to all of our friends who are first time parents!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sam Bloom Children's Librarian (who ALSO reads constantly!) Groesbeck Branch Library Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
-----Original Message----- From: ccbc-net-bounces at
[mailto:ccbc-net-bounces at]On Behalf Of Underbakke, Clark Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:40 AM To: Marsha Scherz; Ruth I. Gordon Cc: CCBC Net Subject: Re: [CCBC-Net] Reading aloud
I don't think any of us as members of CCBC can imagine, but...should you know anyone who is in the DARK about READING ALOUD and its VAST importance at ANY stage of might suggest the following books:
Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever (Paperback) by Mem Fox (Author), Judy Horacek (Illustrator)
Learning Under the Influence of Language and Literature: Making the Most of Read-Alouds Across the Day (Paperback) by Lester L. Laminack (Author), Reba M. Wadsworth (Author)
Reading Aloud Across the Curriculum: How to Build Bridges in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies (Paperback) by Lester L. Laminack (Author), Reba M. Wadsworth (Author)
Regards, Clark Underbakke, Ph.D. 2nd Grade Teacher...who reads aloud CONSTANTLY! Trace Crossings Elementary Hoover, Alabama
-----Original Message----- From: ccbc-net-bounces at [mailto:ccbc-net-bounces at] On Behalf Of Marsha Scherz Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 8:25 AM To: Ruth I. Gordon Cc: CCBC Net Subject: Re: [CCBC-Net] Reading aloud
I believe reading aloud does happen, that it has not gone out of style. In the elementary schools in our district, every teacher schedules read aloud time as well as silent reading time. Teachers realize that these reading opportunities are essential when developing readers.
Marsha Scherz Library Media Specialist Northwestern High School Maple, WI
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ruth I. Gordon" <Druthgo at> Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:58 pm Subject: [CCBC-Net] Reading aloud To: CCBC Net <ccbc-net at>
> Am I somehow in a time warp? We (that is, some of us) always pushed
> a daily reading to a group. As a school librarian, I always
> 'SUGGESTED' that time after lunch period be set aside for two
> purposes: (1) reading aloud (2) silent reading throughout the
> school--
> no matter the rank, title, grade, of personnel. That meant that the
> librarian (if we were lucky enough to have one), the secretary, the
> nurse (if we were lucky enough to have one), the cooks, the teachers,
> etc., etc. ALL read.
> Sometimes it took a bit of time to have the policy instituted--but it
> was a healthy activity and may have even paid off. Sometimes the
> librarian really needed to push it. You can bet that this librarian
> did.
> Then again--who knows???
> Surely these old-fashioned activities have not gone out of style.
> Surely??? (Then again, with the No Child Left With a Behind Act,
> perhaps these daily events
> are squeezed from the classrooms.)
> Big Grandma
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Received on Wed 27 Feb 2008 10:13:59 AM CST
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:13:59 -0500
PLEASE don't forget Jim Trelease's "Read-Aloud Handbook," which led me to become a children's librarian! Sadly (for us), Jim is no longer on the speech circuit - he has retired to spend time with his grandchildren. My dad (who, incidentally, bought me my first copy of "Read-Aloud Handbook") sent Jim an e-mail thanking him for his work, and got a really nice reply. What a great guy, and a fantastic book - my wife and I now give "Read-Aloud Handbook" as a gift to all of our friends who are first time parents!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sam Bloom Children's Librarian (who ALSO reads constantly!) Groesbeck Branch Library Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
-----Original Message----- From: ccbc-net-bounces at
[mailto:ccbc-net-bounces at]On Behalf Of Underbakke, Clark Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:40 AM To: Marsha Scherz; Ruth I. Gordon Cc: CCBC Net Subject: Re: [CCBC-Net] Reading aloud
I don't think any of us as members of CCBC can imagine, but...should you know anyone who is in the DARK about READING ALOUD and its VAST importance at ANY stage of might suggest the following books:
Reading Magic: Why Reading Aloud to Our Children Will Change Their Lives Forever (Paperback) by Mem Fox (Author), Judy Horacek (Illustrator)
Learning Under the Influence of Language and Literature: Making the Most of Read-Alouds Across the Day (Paperback) by Lester L. Laminack (Author), Reba M. Wadsworth (Author)
Reading Aloud Across the Curriculum: How to Build Bridges in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies (Paperback) by Lester L. Laminack (Author), Reba M. Wadsworth (Author)
Regards, Clark Underbakke, Ph.D. 2nd Grade Teacher...who reads aloud CONSTANTLY! Trace Crossings Elementary Hoover, Alabama
-----Original Message----- From: ccbc-net-bounces at [mailto:ccbc-net-bounces at] On Behalf Of Marsha Scherz Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 8:25 AM To: Ruth I. Gordon Cc: CCBC Net Subject: Re: [CCBC-Net] Reading aloud
I believe reading aloud does happen, that it has not gone out of style. In the elementary schools in our district, every teacher schedules read aloud time as well as silent reading time. Teachers realize that these reading opportunities are essential when developing readers.
Marsha Scherz Library Media Specialist Northwestern High School Maple, WI
----- Original Message ----- From: "Ruth I. Gordon" <Druthgo at> Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:58 pm Subject: [CCBC-Net] Reading aloud To: CCBC Net <ccbc-net at>
> Am I somehow in a time warp? We (that is, some of us) always pushed
> a daily reading to a group. As a school librarian, I always
> 'SUGGESTED' that time after lunch period be set aside for two
> purposes: (1) reading aloud (2) silent reading throughout the
> school--
> no matter the rank, title, grade, of personnel. That meant that the
> librarian (if we were lucky enough to have one), the secretary, the
> nurse (if we were lucky enough to have one), the cooks, the teachers,
> etc., etc. ALL read.
> Sometimes it took a bit of time to have the policy instituted--but it
> was a healthy activity and may have even paid off. Sometimes the
> librarian really needed to push it. You can bet that this librarian
> did.
> Then again--who knows???
> Surely these old-fashioned activities have not gone out of style.
> Surely??? (Then again, with the No Child Left With a Behind Act,
> perhaps these daily events
> are squeezed from the classrooms.)
> Big Grandma
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Received on Wed 27 Feb 2008 10:13:59 AM CST