CCBC-Net Archives


From: Kathy Johnson <kmquimby>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 08:27:43 -0500


To be honest, I can't remember that it happened in either 7th or 8th grades for either me or my daughter (now 18), but I know it happened in K-6. In my case, hearing my 5th & 6th grade teacher read _The Hobbit_ aloud is something I will never forget, nor the days when she would give in and read us just a few more pages.

Especially in an era when the visual is trumping the other senses, 20-30 minutes of words heard can show students a whole new world.

Maybe they'll grow up to listen to recorded books and, who knows, tune in to "Selected Shorts," and go to poetry and book readings.

Kathy Quimby

A post reads:

What if teachers, at least in grades K through grade 8, read aloud from a book of their choice on at least one occasion a week....even a single chapter...

                                                 WHAT IF?

This is a practice that should be going on EVERY SINGLE DAY in EVERY SINGLE classroom everywhere.

It's not a 'what if' -- it is a MUST.


Katherine M. Quimby P.O. Box 437 Cambridge, VT 05444-0437 Tel: (802) 644-8233 Email: kmquimby at

"Before you can think out of the box, you have to start with a box." --Twyla Tharp
Received on Wed 27 Feb 2008 07:27:43 AM CST