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[CCBC-Net] Greg Foley Wins 2008 Charlotte Zolotow Award

From: Megan Schliesman <schliesman>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 13:44:20 -0600

Greg Foley, author of /Thank You Bear, /is the eleventh annual winner of the Charlotte Zolotow Award for outstanding writing in a picture book. The award is given by the Cooperative Children's Book Center, a library of the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The Zolotow Award committee named three Honor Books: /At Night, /written and illustrated by Jonathan Bean, edited by Wes Adams, and by published Farrar, Straus and Giroux; /Dragon Dancing,/ written by Carole Lexa Schaefer, illustrated by Pierr Morgan, edited by Tracy Gates, and published by Viking, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group; and
/Pictures from Our Vacation,/ written and illustrated by Lynne Rae Perkins, edited by Virginia Duncan, and published by Greenwillow Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

The 2008 Zolotow Award committee also cited ten titles as Highly Commended: /The All-I?ll-Ever-Want Christmas Doll/, written by Patricia C. McKissack and illustrated by Jerry Pinkey (Schwartz & Wade / Random House); /The Chicken-Chasing Queen of Lamar County,/ written by Janice N. Harrington and illustrated by Shelley Jackson (Melanie Kroupa Books / Farrar, Straus and Giroux); /A Good Day, /written and illustrated by Kevin Henkes (Greenwillow Books / HarperCollins); /Granddad?s Fishing Buddy, / written by Mary Quigley and illustrated by St?phane Jorisch
(Dial); /Jazz Baby, /written by Lisa Wheeler and illustrated by R. Gregory Christie (Harcourt); /Only You, /written by Robin Cruise and illustrated by Margaret Chodos-Irvine (Harcourt); /Pierre in Love,
/written by Sara Pennypacker and illustrated by Petra Mathers (Orchard / Scholastic); /Those Shoes, /written by Maribeth Boelts and illustrated by Noah Z. Jones (Candlewick Press); /?The Trouble with Dogs . . . ? Said Dad,/ written and illustrated by Bob Graham (U.S. edition: Candlewick Press); and /What Happens on Wednesdays, /written by Emily Jenkins and illustrated by Lauren Castillo (Frances Foster Books / Farrar, Straus and Giroux).

Established in 1998, the Charlotte Zolotow Award honors the work of Charlotte Zolotow, a distinguished children's book editor for 38 years with Harper Junior Books, and author of more than 70 picture books, including such classic works as /Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present/
(Harper, 1962) and/ William's Doll /(Harper, 1972). Ms. Zolotow attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison on a writing scholarship from 1933 to 1936 where she studied with Professor Helen C. White. The award is given annually for outstanding writing in a picture book for children in the birth through seven age range published in the United States in the preceding year.

For more information on the Zolotow Award, including a complete list of winners, honor books, and highly commended titles, go to:

Megan Schliesman

Megan Schliesman, Librarian
Cooperative Children's Book Center
School of Education
University of Wisconsin-Madison
600 N. Park Street, Room 4290
Madison, WI  53706
608-262-4933 (fax)
schliesman at
Received on Thu 10 Jan 2008 01:44:20 PM CST