CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] re Golden Compass Controversy

From: Sally Miller <derbymiller>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 19:50:19 -0500

James Elliot had this to say: Politics intruding in children's lit is nothing new, however.

 Wouldn't that make an interesting discussion on this list? What is the difference between "message books," now in disfavor with editors and critics, and books in which the author's take on a subject, although not the main message, is still clearly evident? Should that be frowned upon? Of course, from my point of view, no matter the message, no matter how hidden or overt, each potential adult reader should be able to choose or avoid the book -- no one else has the right to prevent his reading it. And in the case of a child reader, only his (or her -- sorry, I grew up believing the written "his" referred to me and other girls and women too) parents or guardians have the right to screen his reading. (And that right should be exercised with caution.)
    Sorry again, for climbing on my soapbox -- the discussion is getting into an area I am passionate about. Sally Derby
Received on Wed 14 Nov 2007 06:50:19 PM CST