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[CCBC-Net] Horror Stories

From: Constance Pappas <connie>
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 20:49:27 -0800

Neil Gaiman's new short story collection, M is for Magic, is incredible. The audiobook is available on iTunes and the author reads his work. His reading is phenomenal. All the stories are creepy, imaginative and scary. The fairy tale bit at the beginning is a gem. The bit where Humpty never fell off the wall... he was pushed is just great. The troll story, "I want to eat your life..." gives me chills. I love it.

I especially like how Gaiman sets up the collection by talking about the oft ignored and neglected short story. It is brilliant.

Best, Connie

Connie G. Pappas, NBCT Teacher-Librarian Skyridge Middle School Camas, WA 98607
----------------------------------------- connie.pappas at
Received on Sun 04 Nov 2007 10:49:27 PM CST