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[CCBC-Net] Workshop in NYC

From: Lesley Colabucci <lcolabucci>
Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2007 12:28:17 -0700 (PDT)

PLEAE CONSIDERING ATTENDING NCTE FOR THIS EXCITING WORKSHOP FEATURING: Leonard Marcus (author) Roxie Munro (author/illustrator) Robert Neubecker (author/illustrator) William Low (author/illustrator) Emily Jenkins (author) Dan Yaccarino (author/illustrator) Phil Bildner (author) Cari Best (author) Christopher Myers (author/illustrator) Jessie Hartland (author/illustrator) Jordan Sonnenblick (author) Brian Selznick (author/illustrator)


CLA 2007 Workshop Celebrating New York City in Children?s Literature


New York City has been an inspiration for some of the finest and most memorable children?s literature produced. This workshop will feature a celebration of New York City in children's literature. Audience members will have the opportunity to hear a dozen children?s authors and illustrators speak about New York City as a setting for their books and reflect on how living in New York has influenced their creative and professional lives. They will discuss and read from their works?both familiar and new?and will answer questions from the audience about living the writer?s and artist?s life in New York. Teachers and professors of children?s literature who attend this session will gain an insider?s view (from the perspective of author or illustrator) for sharing with their students books created by the following participants: Cari Best, Phil Bildner, Jessie Hartland, Emily Jenkins, William Low, Leonard Marcus, Roxie Munro, Christopher Myers, Robert Neubecker, Brian Selznick, Jordan Sonnenblick, and Dan Yaccarino. Anyone who loves children?s literature or loves New York City will love this workshop!

Lesley Colabucci, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Elementary and Early Childhood Education Millersville University of Pennsylvania PO Box 1002 Millersville, PA 17551-0302

164 W. Cottage Avenue 206 Stayer Hall

(717) 871-5462 (fax)
(717) 871-5618 (office)

lesley.colabucci at

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Received on Sat 03 Nov 2007 02:28:17 PM CDT