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[CCBC-Net] Circulating Newbery winners

From: Miriam Lang Budin <miriammeister>
Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2007 20:10:07 -0400

I think it's interesting to differentiate between the Newbery winners kids choose to read and the ones their parents choose to read to them and--different yet--the ones their teachers assign.

The oldest Newbery winner parents choose to read aloud in our neck of the woods is THE VOYAGES OF DR. DOOLITTLE (1923). the oldest Newbery winner the kids choose to read themselves is THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND (1950). The oldest one teachers assign around here is probably ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS (1961).

I think the Newbery winner that kids choose for themselves most often is HOLES (1999). They also select A WRINKLE IN TIME (1963), DEAR MR. HENSHAW
(1984) and MANIAC MAGEE (1991). Parents often borrow JOHNNY TREMAIN
(1944)--especially when they are planning a trip to Boston. Among the winners teachers assign most are BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA (1978), SARAH PLAIN AND TALL (1981), NUMBER THE STARS (1990), SHILOH (1992), and THE GIVER

I didn't consider the Honor books when I was compiling this list, in the interest of brevity, though certainly many of them have proven far more popular and lasting contributions to children's literature than the winners.

Miriam Lang Budin
Chappaqua Library, NY
Received on Sat 08 Sep 2007 07:10:07 PM CDT