CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] CCBC-Net Digest, Vol 26, Issue 1

From: Beverly V. Hock <bevvhock>
Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2007 10:14:34 -0700

Two Announcements from the University San Francisco

                                                Peter Sis - Sunday, October 15, 2007 - San Francisco Main Library - 2:00 pm

 Peter S?s, a MacArthur fellow and internationally renowned artist discusses his memoir, THE WALL:GROWING UP BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN

    The Communist Czechoslovakia of Mr. S?s's youth was a place where creativity could be discouraged but not easily killed. Graphic art, journal entries, and personal photographs illustrate the harsh realities of a closed society and the inevitable longing for freedom. V?clav Havel, the former president of the Czech Republic, says, ?Peter S?s?s book is most of all about the will to live one?s life in freedom and should be required reading for all those who take their freedom for granted.? College students (undergrad and grad), teachers, librarians, and young adults interested in art, politics, and Eastern European history are welcome.

                                    sponsored by the University of San Francisco, the San Francisco Public Library and the San Mateo Reading Association.

AND ? mark your calendar for:

                                                    Reading the World X - February 16, 17, 2008 - University of San Francisco

Join us to reflect upon a decade of Celebrating Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults, featuring many old friends from past conferences as well as new faces and voices -
  Alma Flor Ada and Leslie Tryon, Ashley Bryan, Sarah Ellis, Rita Williams-Garcia, Naomi Shihab Nye, Doris Orgel, Peter Sis, Laurence Yep, Jack Zipes,

Beverly Vaughn Hock, Ed. D.. Director, Reading the World University of San Francisco. School of Education International and Multicultural Education 2130 Fulton Street San Francisco, CA 94117-1071
Received on Sat 01 Sep 2007 12:14:34 PM CDT