CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] FW: FW: Independent bookstores

From: Susan Kusel <susankusel>
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2007 13:12:13 -0700 (PDT)

Donna German <donnagerman at> wrote:
    I, too, must have missed the beginning of this thread.
  The beginning of the the thread was my post below, asking for favorite independent bookstores. Thank you so much to everyone who has written me... you've given me the names of many fantastic bookstores as well as great general bookstore resources.
  Since there were a lot of requests for the list, I'll compile it and post it to CCBC-Net before the next topic starts. My list (in progress- not including the wonderful new suggestions yet) is in the links section of my blog at
  Thank you!

  What is your favorite independent bookstore?
    I'm particularly looking for children's bookstores or bookstores that
 have great children's departments. I'm only looking for bookstores
 that are currently in business. So many wonderful stores have closed,
 so my list keeps getting smaller each year... and I'm looking to expand
 it again.
    The location doesn't matter... it can be anywhere in the world (but
 it would be very helpful if you can let me know the city it's in).
   I use Book Sense a lot and reference books, but nothing beats
 personal recommendations.
    You can e-mail me off-list.
    Thank you!!
    Please excuse cross-postings. I posted this question to the PUBYAC
 and child_lit listservs, and got such fabulous responses that I wanted
 to ask the CCBC_Net list too... because I know there are a lot of
 bookstore owners and employees on this list. I was waiting until the
 end of the month to be able to post it here.
 Wizards Wireless: Life, children's books, comic strips and Harry Potter
Received on Fri 31 Aug 2007 03:12:13 PM CDT