CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] one last call for books looking for permanent home

From: Carolyn Gabb <cgabb>
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2007 10:56:28 -0400

I put out a query a week or two ago regarding my search for a permanent home for book from my collection, now being slowly culled. I did receive some responses but wanted to put out a final call before making a decision about collaboration. Here is the basic information again:

As a very cursory review of books now on my shelves ... I would estimate I have 2,000 books weighing down the floors of this apartment. As I said, I am in the process of "culling" ... meaning I am gradually letting the books go. Not a simple task as I still do some consulting work with teachers and do workshops focused on poetry in the classroom and multicultural/diversity literature. Also, I have given presentations on reading aloud and the reality that "children?s books are not just for children!".
  I sent 350+ volumes over the past year to the University of Kentucky while working with them. These volumes included multi-genre children's books, as well as texts related to literacy/literature learning for the K-12 experience.
  Perhaps at this stage in my life, simplification and re-allocation is part of the journey. I do know that placing my treasures in a good home "before" the time of my passing (hopefully not soon...) is wise. So, these books would be coming throughout the next several years ... The cost of mailing a book box generally runs about $25-30, which includes costs of packing and gas. Of course, I always send postal receipts when requesting reimbursement for costs. In addition, I do send a full inventory of the box contents to make it easier to check books against current titles in your collection ... allowing sharing duplicates with education students.
  I have had several responses to my query ... and of course want to engage in conversation with several options before making a decision. This is an important venture for me ... yet an expensive one for the aging single retired prof. So I do need to be clear up front before beginning the processs again with a college/university.
  Looking forward to hearing from you. If you need to know more about me, you can do some surfing on my website ( as some background.
Received on Sun 26 Aug 2007 09:56:28 AM CDT