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[CCBC-Net] Shame on Harper Collins
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From: Linda Silver <silverlr>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 21:06:15 -0400
I am amazed, when looking over the major publishers' kids catalogs, at how really awful so many of their books are. However, in among the skunk cabbages, you often find a rose and that may make it all worthwhile.
Unlike Julie Kinney, with whom I agree about the "dreck," I find books for teens among the worst that publishers have to offer. We read that YA literature is hot yet most of the YA books I know of are sheer drivel, pandering to bad taste, crass materialism, conformism, and just about everything that is dismal in American culture. Linda Silver
Received on Tue 12 Jun 2007 08:06:15 PM CDT
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 21:06:15 -0400
I am amazed, when looking over the major publishers' kids catalogs, at how really awful so many of their books are. However, in among the skunk cabbages, you often find a rose and that may make it all worthwhile.
Unlike Julie Kinney, with whom I agree about the "dreck," I find books for teens among the worst that publishers have to offer. We read that YA literature is hot yet most of the YA books I know of are sheer drivel, pandering to bad taste, crass materialism, conformism, and just about everything that is dismal in American culture. Linda Silver
Received on Tue 12 Jun 2007 08:06:15 PM CDT