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[CCBC-Net] Celebrity books

From: Julie Cummins <juliecummins>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:18:43 -0400

Many good points have been made regarding "celebrity books" and it's clear there are some that stand out on the good side but many more than register on the theatrical performer-trade on-fame name side.

One story, relative to the dollars and cents issue, was told to me by a highly regarded illustrator and has irked and peeved me ever since is this: a stage famous celebrity would only agree to giving the illustrator a flat fee (no royalties) because it was his/her name that would sell the books! Talk about ego!

Julie Cummins Who can irk and peeve with the best of them
Received on Mon 11 Jun 2007 04:18:43 AM CDT