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[CCBC-Net] storytelling at ALA

From: doris j gebel <djgebel>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2007 08:08:25 -0400

For those of you attending ALA there will be some great Storytelling Events during the conference. Here is the information. Doris Gebel Head of Youth Services Northport-East Northport Public Library

Stories for a Saturday Evening Date: Saturday, 6/23/2007 Time: 8:00 PM-10:00 PM Location: Grand Hyatt room: Constitution B Join storytellers Won-Ldy Paye, Dianne de Las Casas. Miriam Lang Budin Library, and Kathy Maron-Wood for an evening of storytelling.

The Cultural Context for Storytelling Date: Sunday, 6/24/2007 Time: 1:30 PM- 4:30 PM Location: Washington Convention Center room: Room 204 C Margaret Read MacDonald, author of the book Traditional Storytelling Today: an International Sourcebook leads this panel of distinguished folklorists and storytellers in a discussion of the important role of storytelling within cultures. Michael Taft, Head of the Archive of Folk Culture at the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress, discusses his work collecting traditional folklore in the Maritime Provinces of Canada and the important work of the Center in preserving traditional folklore. Tim Tingle, author of the award winning Crossing Bok Chitto and Walking the Choctaw Road, addresses the lore arising from beliefs and myths, historical tales passed down through generations, and personal stories of contemporary life among the Choctaw people. Won-Ldy Paye author of The Talking Vegetables and Mrs. Chicken and The Hungry Crocodile shares experiences and lively tales of the Dan people of Liberia.

Tour of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress Date: Monday, 6/25/07 Time: 1:00 Location: 101 Independence Ave. SE Washington, D.C. A tour led by Michael Taft will be conducted of the American Folklife Center including the reading room, and the processing area, where the processing team will have materials on display and will be there to explain their work. The International Storytelling Foundation Collection and the StoryCorps collections will be featured. Aspects of archival processing of manuscripts, photographs, sound and moving image recordings, as well as artifacts and some printed materials will be seen as well as born-digital materials, the team's work on digital preservation and databases. The tour will include a visit to the Great Hall--a sight not to be missed.
Received on Mon 04 Jun 2007 07:08:25 AM CDT