CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] Scholarship for Your First ALA Annual Conference

From: Rita Auerbach <rita.auerbach>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 13:52:59 -0400

Missing out on the Annual Conference in Washington D.C.? Start thinking about the 2008 Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA! Apply for a Penguin Young Readers Group Award!

These awards, made possible by an annual gift from the Penguin Young Readers Group, are administered by a committee of ALSC. They enable four children's librarians to attend the ALA's Annual Conference to be held in Anaheim, California, June 26-July 2, 2008. Four librarians working directly with children in elementary, middle schools or public libraries will each receive

Requirements for application are:

  a.. ALSC membership (applicant must be a member by the application deadline)
  b.. One to ten years experience as a children's librarian
  c.. No previous attendance at an annual ALA Conference The deadline for applications is Monday, December 3, 2007. For more information and to download an application for the Penguin Young Readers Group Award, visit:

Thank you,

Alison O'Reilly, Chair

Penguin Young Readers Group Award Committee

Alison O'Reilly, Teen Librarian Austin Public Library Southeast Community Branch 5803 Nuckols Crossing, Austin, TX 78744 512-462-1452; 512-447-7639 fax alison.oreilly at
Received on Wed 02 May 2007 12:52:59 PM CDT