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[CCBC-Net] Copper Sun
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From: Sally Miller <derbymiller>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 13:10:21 -0400
Since I have not yet read Copper Sun, I am not offering any judgments concerning it. However, it seems to me that recent comments about the book are based on two different criteria: reader appeal on one hand and quality of writing on the other. Surely a Coretta Scott King award winner should rate high on both scales, shouldn't it? So if one is responding to a comment that mentions "sloppy writing," it would be useful to others to respond to that point rather than to defend the book on the basis of reader appeal. In addition, if someone indicates that the characters are not well-developed, and you disagree, why not bring up specific arguments in defense of your point of view? By responding to substance one can keep this interested and interesting evaluation centered on the text itself rather than on personal likes and dislikes. (And now, I really have to read this book!)
Sally Derby (who trembles when she reads a review of one of her books)
Received on Fri 30 Mar 2007 12:10:21 PM CDT
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 13:10:21 -0400
Since I have not yet read Copper Sun, I am not offering any judgments concerning it. However, it seems to me that recent comments about the book are based on two different criteria: reader appeal on one hand and quality of writing on the other. Surely a Coretta Scott King award winner should rate high on both scales, shouldn't it? So if one is responding to a comment that mentions "sloppy writing," it would be useful to others to respond to that point rather than to defend the book on the basis of reader appeal. In addition, if someone indicates that the characters are not well-developed, and you disagree, why not bring up specific arguments in defense of your point of view? By responding to substance one can keep this interested and interesting evaluation centered on the text itself rather than on personal likes and dislikes. (And now, I really have to read this book!)
Sally Derby (who trembles when she reads a review of one of her books)
Received on Fri 30 Mar 2007 12:10:21 PM CDT