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[CCBC-Net] Copper Sun

From: Zandra Blake <zsblake>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 21:21:32 -0700 (PDT)

Who is Harriet Jacobs? Anyway, I am extremely pleased that Copper Sun by Sharon Draper won the CSK award. I felt it was a realistic look into slavery beginning with Amari's capture from her African village and her journey in the slave ship as she was transported to America to be sold into slavery. Draper was very effective in capturing my attention and making me care for the main characters in the story. I also think this book will serve as an excellent resource in teaching young adults about slavery. I like to compare it the the ground breaking television mini-series Roots because of the way it dealt with the harsh, brutal realities of slavery. I have booktalked this book to to teens and adults alike and each person I have recommended this book to loved it and found it just as powerful as I did. I disagree that the writiting was sloppy and the characters having no depth.

Zandra Blake Teen Services Librarian Capital Area District Library, Lansing, Michigan

--- "Almagor, Lelac" <LAlmagor at> wrote:

> I'm actually really disappointed in Copper Sun as
> the CSK winner. I'm only halfway through, but the
> writing seems sloppy and cliched and there's not
> much depth to Draper's characters -- not surprising
> given her other young-adult novels, which I would
> characterize as high-interest but low-quality.
> I'd much rather kids read Octavia Butler or, hey,
> Frederick Douglass or Harriet Jacobs -- though off
> the top of my head I can't think of any great
> narratives of enslavement and liberation for readers
> who would find those texts too difficult.
> Ms. Lelac Almagor
> Lower School English
> Writing Center
> National Cathedral School for Girls
> lalmagor at
> 202-537-2312
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Received on Thu 29 Mar 2007 11:21:32 PM CDT