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[CCBC-Net] hand sanitizer into a school librarian's water bottle??

From: James Elliott <j_c_elliott>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 14:35:15 -0500

After two years at this library, this doesn't surprise me in the least.

Although we haven't seen quite this action, our staff has been threatened multiple times by patrons; our bookmobile driver has been robbed; we found a knife in one of the ladies bathrooms wastebasket;, a branch manager has had a gun pulled on her; staff cars have been 'keyed'; and of course, general rudeness towards librarians and staff from the patrons abounds, even though we try like crazy to go out of our way to exercise patience and kindness
(that's our job, after all!) towards them. Thank goodness for the cumbersome circulation desk to which we can retreat when needed!

Jim Elliott

> Student Attempts to Poison School Librarian |
>After squirting hand sanitizer into a school librarian's water bottle,
>14 year-old Yavapai County (AZ) boy was arrested on felony charges.
>"Sheriff's deputies questioning the boy said he admitted pulling the
>prank 'because he was bored' and called it 'just horseplay', said Susan
>Quayle, a sheriff's spokeswoman." The librarian was not injured. More
>from this AP story at the East Valley Tribune.
> 0.
> ~~~~~~~~
> mary gavlik
> library media specialist
> chuckey-doak middle school
> afton, tn
>You see, I don't believe that libraries should be drab places
>where people sit in silence, and that's been the main reason
>for our policy of employing wild animals as librarians.
>? Monty Python skit
Received on Mon 12 Mar 2007 02:35:15 PM CDT