CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] New additions to the Kids! _at_ your library Public Awareness toolkit

From: Stephanie Bange <SBange>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 11:53:09 -0500

  The ALSC Kids! _at_ your library? Public Awareness Campaign tool kit has the following new additions:

With permission from the author, ALSC has posted Dianne de Las Casas's story theater script "The Chicken and the Librarian." It is free to download and use for your library, school, or community events. For more information about de Las Casas, visit her Web site at The campaign tool kit highlights several more fun activities that libraries can host, including a book mark contest, Mad Libs game, scavenger hunt for three different age levels, and a library rap song.

Wondering how you can use Grammy Award-winning musician Bill Harley's song "At Your Library" in your library? Check out our "Top Ten Ways to Use Bill's Song in your library and community!" The list includes great suggestions for using the song, such as when classes visit your library; as the "hold" music on your library's phone system; or as part of a play, video, or computer presentation about your library and its services. You may even come up with a few novel ideas of your own. Beware: the song is quite catchy. Have a listen on our Web'll be humming it all day!

To check out these free, new resources, visit and click on "Tool Kit" or "Campaign Theme Song."

Are you looking for ways to use the Campaign materials? The Kids! _at_ your library? Campaign Task Force has developed a "Kids! @ your library? Best Practices Wiki." We encourage those librarians already using the campaign to share their successes. Visit the wiki at

  Stephanie Bange Children's Librarian Wilmington-Stroop Branch Dayton Metro Library (OH)

Received on Wed 07 Mar 2007 10:53:09 AM CST