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[CCBC-Net] CCF's Electronic Bulletin 6:2
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From: Olgy Gary <omgary>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 23:59:19 -0700
An 80% off book sale in Colorado Springs; an online writing contest for kids of all ages; news on ground-breaking research on dyslexia; how to write so you get good reviews; an educator's response to the controversy surrounding this year's Newbery winner; book reviews of best seller titles; how to support a runner in this year's Boston Marathon and fund medical research at the same time; and new CCF affiliates. Here's the CCF Bulletin with news and information posted to the CCF site:
------------------------------------------- Olgy Gary, Gen'l Manager
"children come first...because they're our greatest treasure!" - Free CCF bulletin
Received on Thu 01 Mar 2007 12:59:19 AM CST
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 23:59:19 -0700
An 80% off book sale in Colorado Springs; an online writing contest for kids of all ages; news on ground-breaking research on dyslexia; how to write so you get good reviews; an educator's response to the controversy surrounding this year's Newbery winner; book reviews of best seller titles; how to support a runner in this year's Boston Marathon and fund medical research at the same time; and new CCF affiliates. Here's the CCF Bulletin with news and information posted to the CCF site:
------------------------------------------- Olgy Gary, Gen'l Manager
"children come first...because they're our greatest treasure!" - Free CCF bulletin
Received on Thu 01 Mar 2007 12:59:19 AM CST