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[CCBC-Net] Vermont College of the Fine Arts
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From: Leda Schubert <bobr>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:38:59 -0500
Hi everybody. Many of you are familiar with Vermont College's MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults. Thanks to the efforts of some very hardworking people, Union Institute, Vermont College's current owner, is selling the three MFA programs, the campus, and many of the buildings to the newly-formed Vermont College of the Fine Arts. You can read about it here (assuming the link works):
As more information becomes available, I'll try to remember to let you know. It looks like a rosy future for the VC MFA program indeed. We're going to celebrate in July--again, more details to come. leda
(please excuse cross-posting)
Received on Wed 28 Feb 2007 10:38:59 AM CST
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 11:38:59 -0500
Hi everybody. Many of you are familiar with Vermont College's MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults. Thanks to the efforts of some very hardworking people, Union Institute, Vermont College's current owner, is selling the three MFA programs, the campus, and many of the buildings to the newly-formed Vermont College of the Fine Arts. You can read about it here (assuming the link works):
As more information becomes available, I'll try to remember to let you know. It looks like a rosy future for the VC MFA program indeed. We're going to celebrate in July--again, more details to come. leda
(please excuse cross-posting)
Received on Wed 28 Feb 2007 10:38:59 AM CST