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[CCBC-Net] List of World War II Books

From: Farnlacher, Stephanie <SFarnlacher>
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 10:26:39 -0600

Here is the list of books I've accumulated so far for World War II. I'm working on the Civil War, Vietnam, and other wars/conflicts but those lists aren't completed yet (but they also aren't nearly as long as this one). I've listed a tentative age based on the reviews I've read of the books, but with the topic of war it is difficult to be exact. Many picture books were listed for age 5, but I don't believe the topic and presentation are really intended for children that young. I also listed Horn Book's rating as a quick guide, but some books with a 1 rating were criticized by another reviewer, and vice versa, so you can't base a decision of using the book on the rating alone. Finally, I entered just a couple of notes when I saw books that I thought would work well together. For example, The Shadow Children would work well with the nonfiction book The Hidden Children and the allegory picture book Terrible Things (a good activity would be to have students write their own allegory).


(I have also attached this as a word file, but I'm not sure if it will work through the listserv.)


Stephanie Farnlacher

University of Alabama, Graduate Student



? Ratings from Horn Book; scale 1 to 5:

 1 = outstanding; 2 = superior; 3 = recommended; 4 = recommended with minor flaws





Picture Books

Brundibar (Tony Kushner, Maurice Sendak, 2003) - This Czech Opera was performed 55 times by the children of Terezin, the Nazi concentration camp, before they were put to death. All ages


The Cats in Krasinski Square (Karen Hesse, 2004) - Beautiful story about a girl who attempts to get food to people in the Warsaw Ghetto of Poland. Ages 7 up; rating 2


Erika's Story (Ruth Vander Zee, 2003) - A woman tells how, as a baby, her parents threw her from a train headed for the death concentration camps. Ages 9 up; rating 2


The Harmonica (Tony Johnston, 2004) - A boy is given a harmonica by his father; when captured by the Nazis and separated from his parents, the boy still finds comfort in the harmonica even when he is forced to play for a guard. Ages 8 up


Hilde and Eli: Children of the Holocaust (David A. Adler, 1994) - Ages 8 to 11; rating 3


Terrible Things: An Allegory of the Holocaust (Eve Bunting, 1980) - Bunting uses animals in the forest that are taken away because of a certain characteristic and raises the question if everyone stands together and does not look away, maybe such terrible things would not happen. (Combine with The Shadow Children). Ages 6 up; rating 3



Emil and Karl (Yankev Glatshteyn, 2006) - Ages 9 up; rating 2


Maus I and Maus II (Art Spiegelman, 1973) - Graphic novels; Maus tells the story of the author's father, Vladek Spiegelman, a Holocaust survivor. This book discusses the Holocaust and how it affected people's lives during and after the war and the difficult family relationships that resulted. Students will be drawn into the action through the comic book format (I was surprised at how captivating this story is although it is told through the use of cats and mice!). Ages 14 up.


Milkweed (Jerry Spinelli, 2003) - Ages 12 to 15; rating 4


Number the Stars (Lois Lowry, 1989) - A ten year old girl learns about the Dutch Resistance and its attempt to move all 7000 Jews to Sweden. Ages 9 to 13; 1990 Newbery Medal Winner


Remember Me (Irene N. Watts, 2000) - Story about the Kindertransport, a means of removing Jewish children from Nazi Germany to safety in England. Ages 11 to 15


Run, Boy, Run (Uri Orlev, 2003) - A nine year old Jewish boy must survive alone in Poland at the time of the Holocaust. Ages 11 up; rating 2


The Shadow Children (Steven Schnur, 1994) - An eleven year old boy see the ghosts of children while visiting his grandfather's farm. Ages 9 up; rating 1


Yellow Star (Jennifer Roy, 2006) - Ages 10 up; rating 3



Hostage to War: A True Story (Tatjana Wassiljewa, 1997) - Tells the little known story of how the Russians were conscripted to work for the Germans in labor camps during WWII. Ages 12 up; rating 2


No Pretty Pictures: A Child of War (Anita Lobel, 1998) - A recount of the author's life in Poland during the Holocaust. Ages 12 up; rating 2



After the Holocaust (Howard Greenfeld, 2001) - The stories of eight survivors of the Holocaust and how the world had changed for them after the war was over. Ages 12 up; rating 2.


Along the Tracks (Tamar Bergman, 1988) - Yankele must survive alone for four years during WWII. Ages 14 up; rating 2


The Children of Willesden Lane (Mona Golabek, 2002) - YA


Echoes of World War II (Trish Marx, 1994) - Six people recount their childhood during World War II and its affects. Ages 9 to 14; rating 3


Hana's Suitcase (Karen Levine, 2002) - Ages 9 to 12; rating 3


The Hidden Children (Howard Greenfeld, 1993) - Stories of thirteen children and how they lived during the Holocaust hidden from the Nazis. (Combine with The Shadow Children.) Ages 9 up; rating 1


Hitler Youth: Growing Up in Hitler's Shadow (Susan Campbell Bartoletti, 2005) - Tells the story of the young people who devoted themselves to Hitler and helped strengthen the Nazi party, and then had to live with the results when the war was over. Ages 13 up; rating 1


Let Me Go (Helga Schneider, 2001) - The author's mother deserts her family to become a Nazi SS guard in concentration camps; a review states: "Holocaust literature is not recreational reading nor is this book like The Diary of Anne Frank, with its author's optimism regarding the human race. Yet Let Me Go is valuable as a testimony to the enormous power of racial hatred and the lust for power itself." Ages 14 up.


October 45: Childhood Memories of the War (Jean-Louis Besson, 1995) - Ages 9 up; rating 2


Sky: A True Story of Courage During World War II (Hanneke Ippisch, 1996) - A fifteen year old girl joins the Dutch Resistance and is eventually imprisoned by the Germans; Horn Book states: "The book's chapters are brief and to the point, creating a briskly paced, unsentimental story of adventure, intrigue, and courage." Ages 12 up; rating 2


Ten Thousand Children (Anne L. Fox and Eva Abraham-Podietz, 1999) - "True stories by children who escaped the Holocaust on the Kindertransport." Ages 10 up


We Are Witnesses: Five Diaries of Teenagers Who Died in the Holocaust (Jacob Boas, 1995) - Ages 12 up; Best Books for YA 1996, ALA


Japan - Atomic Bomb


The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips (Michael Morpurgo, 2005) - Ages 9 to 12; rating 3



Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes (Eleanor Coerr, 1977)- Ten years after the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Sadako dies of leukemia, the "atom bomb disease." (Combine with Hiroshima No Pika and Shin's Tricycle, both told from the Japanese perspective.) Originally published in 1977; a revised edition came out in 1993 under the title Sadako with illustrations by Ed Young. Ages 9 up; rating 3



Hiroshima No Pika (Toshi Maruki, 1980) - the story recounts a family's painful experience of trying to survive the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. It's a picture book, but is definitely better for upper elementary through high school. Ages 12 up


Shin's Tricycle (Tatsuharu Kodama, 1995) - A father tells of the death of his young son by the dropping of the atomic bomb. (Combine with Hiroshima No Pika.) Ages 12 up; rating 3


Japanese Internment Camps in America

Picture Books

Baseball Saved Us (Ken Mochizuki, 1993) - A young boy improves his baseball skills while detained in a Japanese internment camp, which later help him gain acceptance when he gets out of the camp and goes back to school. Ages 7 up; rating 2.



The Children of Topaz: The Story of a Japanese Internment Camp (Michael O. Tunnell and George W. Chilcoat, 1996) - "Based on a classroom diary." Ages 9 up; rating 3


Dear Miss Breed (Joanne Oppenheim, 2006) - True stories of the Japanese American incarceration during World War II and a librarian who made a difference. Ages 12 up; rating 2



Multiple Stories


Shattered: Stories of Children and War (edited by Jennifer Armstrong, 2002) - A collection of stories covering different wars and conflicts; touches on some less written about aspects of war, such as conscientious objectors and two children who prefer war to peace since they have shelter in luxurious abandoned homes and access to abandoned stores during wartime. Ages 10 up; rating 2.



Remember World War II (Dorinda Makanaonalani Nicholson, 2005) - Covers stories about the Holocaust, the Kindertransport, Pearl Harbor, the firebombing of Toyko, and what was occurring in America. Series also includes Remember Pearl Harbor and Remember D-Day. Ages 9 up; rating 3.

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