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[CCBC-Net] Literature on Anne Frank & WWII
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From: Kendal Kasuboski <kasubk18>
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2006 22:30:19 -0600
Hello, I know this is little off of this months topic, but I am planning a three week unit on Anne Frank with eighth graders.? I would like them to read a novel that correlates with World War II.? After completing the reading they would be using it for a variety of writing activities or a project.? Any ideas on books I could recommend my students who are at grade level, above grade level, and for struggling readers?? Any feedback would be a great help!? Thanks!
Kendal University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Student Teacher
Received on Wed 08 Nov 2006 10:30:19 PM CST
Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2006 22:30:19 -0600
Hello, I know this is little off of this months topic, but I am planning a three week unit on Anne Frank with eighth graders.? I would like them to read a novel that correlates with World War II.? After completing the reading they would be using it for a variety of writing activities or a project.? Any ideas on books I could recommend my students who are at grade level, above grade level, and for struggling readers?? Any feedback would be a great help!? Thanks!
Kendal University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Student Teacher
Received on Wed 08 Nov 2006 10:30:19 PM CST