CCBC-Net Archives

[CCBC-Net] Disabilities

From: Julie Cummins <juliecummins>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 16:12:13 -0400

This discussion of books that include characters with disabilities comes at a perfect time for the Schneider Family Book Award. This newly created ALA award is given annually to three books that embody artistic expressions of the disability experience of children and adolescent audiences. Recipients are selected in three categories: picture book, middle school, and teen age. Each winner receives $5,000.

Further information can be found on the ALA web site under Awards.

Last year's winners were: DAD, JACKIE, AND ME by Myron Uhlberg, illus. by Colin Bootman; TENDING TO GRACE by Kimberly Fusco; and UNDER THE WOLF, UNDER THE DOG by Adam Rapp.

The committee welcomes suggestions from this group. They may be sent to Barbara Mates, Chair, at Barbara.mates at or me, Julie Cummins, a member of the committee.

The titles already mentioned are under consideration, so please come 'em coming.
Received on Thu 05 Oct 2006 03:12:13 PM CDT